Tuesday, December 21, 2010


sorry it's been awhile! i think about this blog alot & i check it etc but the truth is lately i haven't been buying much mascara! i actually went on a 4 month break at least from drugstore mascara. i did use some clinique on my time off. but i'm back! i've taken some more interest in other makeup other than mascara eventhough i still love it too! i'm not ready to make this into a makeup blog yet because theres already so many of those! i'm going to keep buying the newest from each brand so stay tunned

one coat dial up!

have y'all heard about Almay's new "one coat dial up" mascara?

it's not CRAZYYY popular but it was advertised etc. but it looks like this & you can like twist it around for like less intense, medium & crazy intense. i'm really not sure how it works-- if it changes formula when you go from 1 to 2 etc. but i do know the wand doesn't change. i did some before & after expirements and i saw no change from 1 to 2 or 1 compared to 3. other than that disappointment it was very cheap & is a quality mascara.