the geniuses behind LashExact and LashBlash:)
i did promise tips on this mascara blog so here they are! These are CoverGirl makeup artist Molly Stern (who appeared in cycle 10 of america's next top model) 's mascara tips!
- ~Never, ever pump the wand - this adds air to the mascara container, which will only make your mascara dry out faster.
- ~As a general rule, brown or soft black are best for daytime; black works best for night.
- ~Use less mascara on lower lashes than on top lashes. Or forego mascara on lower lashes for a more casual look.
- ~If your mascara smells funny or is more than six months old, chuck it. The eyes are very sensitive to bacteria.
- ~After you've coated lashes with mascara, add just one more layer to the outer corners. The extra coat will make your lashes look especially long.
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